Доброе слово приятно не только кошке.
вариант согласованный с автором, изменены некоторые стилистические детали. это надо было сделать очень давно. Спасибо за внимание.

Название: Сегодня они согрешили
Автор: Paola Adara
Ссылка на оригинал: Tonight, They Sin
Переводчик:  Рил
Муза: Meister-сан, Kat_Rin-тян
Рейтинг: R в лучшем случае
Пейринг: Хикару/Каору
Жанр: затруднилась сказать
Права: все в этом мире принадлежит Толкиену, Роулинг и японцам. (с)
Разрешение на перевод: получено
Предупреждения и прочее: мне правда очень стыдно.

Сегодня они согрешили

@темы: Фанфик, Хикару/Каору

02.08.2007 в 20:59

Самое тяжелое в нашей жизни - это кит
На мой взгляд, переводишь ты очень хорошо))) Так что если эта...... в общем автор потребует снять этот перевод, то она просто полная дура!
02.08.2007 в 21:34

Никто не любит одиночества. Просто я не люблю разочарований...
Угу! Лучшая защита - нападение. :laugh:
Скажи - если будет возмущаться придут ужосные фанатеги Хитайчинов и :guns:
Так что пусть интуристы креативят молча. :hul:
03.08.2007 в 08:22

I smell flowers The lunar flowers I am….Kiba
Потрясающе....и что-то очень сильно напоминает...
04.08.2007 в 16:49

няяяк, очень красиво...))
автор потребует снять этот перевод
не отдаам!! :nedam:
05.08.2007 в 15:02

Доброе слово приятно не только кошке.


на каком-то этапе почти ВСЕ фики одного фэндома/пэйринга начинают напоминать друг друга)

я рада, что вам нравится)))

Самое страшное,что грозит фику - небольшой "polishing"))
05.08.2007 в 21:18

Рил небольшой "polishing"
а что это такое??
05.08.2007 в 21:38

Доброе слово приятно не только кошке.
Видать аффтар нашла кого-то кто знает русский, и значит, отбетят они по своему вкусу)
17.08.2007 в 06:11

the story is nice, i agree, but to say that the author is "silly" for wanting to take it down if she didn't find the translation nice is just rude. how about you? if a translation of your work does not please you, would you let it go? i bet you'd complain, too.
are all you people like this?
and to think i was so excited 'cause i have a story too that's gonna get translated into russian! but if it's gonna be received like this, then i suppose it's not worth it.

17.08.2007 в 06:11

the story is nice, i agree, but to say that the author is "silly" for wanting to take it down if she didn't find the translation nice is just rude. how about you? if a translation of your work does not please you, would you let it go? i bet you'd complain, too.
are all you people like this?
and to think i was so excited 'cause i have a story too that's gonna get translated into russian! but if it's gonna be received like this, then i suppose it's not worth it.

17.08.2007 в 08:51

Доброе слово приятно не только кошке.
I'm so sorry now, but at that moment I was just very angry,
cause her request was a bit... unexpected for me. Now I just know, that she didn't want to hurt me, so reaction like this won't be repeated ever again.

\and sorry for my terrible English\
21.08.2007 в 06:08

whoa, atta-girl, rei! i stumbled upon this, and lo and behold, you were here, too! and yeah, uh, you (whoever replied to rei), should have realized no one actually hurts other writers/translators on purpose, but i'm glad your reaction won't be repeated again. (lol, i dunno why am glad, am not even affected, but hey, all OHSHC fans should not bash each other!). you go apologize to the author...ahihihi, she'd probably be weirded out though, since, based on what's been said here, i don't think she can understand russian, can she?

i'ma go see the english version now and see what's a better read.

and rei, have that translated into russian! go go go!


ps. your english is fine...just needs a little "polishing"
ouch, that word hurts when taken out of context, doesn't it?
21.08.2007 в 10:06

Доброе слово приятно не только кошке.
you (whoever replied to rei)
I'm translator. And yes, I'm ashamed, what else can I say?

i'ma go see the english version now and see what's a better read.
If you want so, but I'd recomend you to wait a bit - Paola found beta for me, so this's going to be replaced.

ps. your english is fine...just needs a little "polishing"

ouch, that word hurts when taken out of context, doesn't it?
you're cruel, aren't you? =p ))
21.08.2007 в 22:03

I'm ashamed, what else can I say?
am not the author, but "i forgive you." huh, i've always wanted to say something like that! :D

If you want so, but I'd recomend you to wait a bit - Paola found beta for me, so this's going to be replaced.
alright, am easy to talk with. ;p

you're cruel, aren't you? =p
as they say, takes one to know one. you biatch, i like you, you're funny!

21.08.2007 в 23:26

Доброе слово приятно не только кошке.
but "i forgive you."
Oh, I bless you for your kindness))

as they say, takes one to know one. you biatch, i like you, you're funny!
i'd tried to understand this phrase for a while) if i'd succseed... i like you too ;))

i just can't understand, how do you find this community. Enlighten me please!))
25.08.2007 в 03:26

you see, paola adara's part of our clique. she was really ecstatic when you wanted to translate her work, and rei took to looking it up the internet. though we haven't told her about what rei and i found. that would break her heart. so it's good when you said you just misjudged her words and that you're sorry.

and rei, her third language is russian. she told me about this, the translation, and all other comments. though she doesn't really go around translating her own stuff since she's afraid she might lose something of her own in the translation if she did it by herself (since it's not really her native tongue).

25.08.2007 в 10:02

Доброе слово приятно не только кошке.
Oh, I see. Thank you.

and tell Rei, that she is really cool - russian as third language... very impressive).

doesn't really go around translating her own stuff since she's afraid she might lose something of her own in the translation if she did it by herself
quite rational position
13.09.2007 в 21:18

hi! it's me again. i was just wondering if you've gotten the beta-read version already. i'm kind of in a hurry so i haven't checked.

gotta go!

16.09.2007 в 09:22

Доброе слово приятно не только кошке.
Yes, I've got beta-read version, I just couldn't replaced it - I was gospitalized, and was relaesed only yesterday. It'll be done in the nearest future.
17.09.2007 в 08:44

oh. all right. get better soon then

15.12.2007 в 12:45

Почти всякая сказка - это магическая история, искаженный до неузнаваемости отчет о чуде, которое когда-то где-то с кем-то случилось. Макс Фрай
*с удивлением смотрит на переписку на английском языке и даже чего то понимает*
Мдя... Бррр, я таки не за этим причапал...
Огромное спасибо Вам за очередной перевод! Только на них и живем)
15.12.2007 в 16:55

Доброе слово приятно не только кошке.
да этот старый. просто исправленный вариант я вывесила полгода спустя. в последнее время разочаровалась в забугорных писателях. 220.000 лет не продолжают, ничего хорошего еще не попалось...

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